Hotel service
A list of hotels in Diani, unbiased reviews by a local and direct contacts

List of hotels In Diani
You are here because you are planning a trip to Diani, Ukunda
Below is a list of hotels and other accommodations in Diani and their direct contacts.
You can contact them, book directly, or book via Online Travel Agents like
As Diani Locals, we are best to advise the best hotels depending on the proximity to amenities, reviews, and the best beaches.
We can also get you the best discounts and booking policies since some staff who work there are known to us.
If you would like to book these hotels through us, please drop us an email with the below details
We will take it from there.
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- No of Pax
- Budget per night
- Check-in Date
- Check out date
1.Diamonds Leisure Beach & Golf Resort
2.Leopard Beach Resort & Spa
3.Bahari Dhow Beach Villas
4.Swahili Beach Resort
5.Diani Reef Beach Resort & Spa
6.The Villa Luxury Suites Hotel
7.The Maji Beach Boutique Hotel
8.The Sands at Nomad
9.Pinewood Beach Resort & Spa
10.Diani Sea Resort
11.Diani Sea Lodge
12.Sunset Villa Boutique Resort
13.Papillon Lagoon Reef Hotel
14.Waterlovers Beach Resort
15.Diani Marine Divers Village
16.African Dream Cottages
17.Eleven Pearl Boutique Hotel & Spa
18.Lantana Galu Beach
19.Morning Star Diani Beach Resort
20.PeeKAboo Diani Beach
21.Aqua Resort
22.Flamboyant Diani Beach
23.Ocean Village Club(Adults Only)
24.Searenity Beach Villa
25.V-Szameital Homes
26.Aestus Villas Resort
27.Baobab Beach Resort & Spa
28.Southern Palms Beach Resort
29.Coral Beach Resort
30.Queens Chateau Boutique Villa
31.Diani Paradise Villas
32.Kusini Beach Cottages
33.Oasis Diani Beach Villas
34.Jacaranda Indian Ocean Beach Resort
35.Woza Woza Diani Beach Camping & Fun Zone